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Sex is Good


             realize its basic goodness.
             Whitehead then makes the point that the Christian body finds truth in its sexual .
             experience in a four tier system. This truth leads to a respect for the very idea that the .
             sexual experience should be held sacred, and thus supporting the claim that sex can be .
             good. Firstly, the goodness of sexual arousal itself is discovered by the individual, that .
             which draws the person to others in love, friendship, and marriage. Secondly, many .
             realize that there is more to sex than procreation. The pleasures derived from enjoying .
             sex make fertility seem even more worthwhile. Thirdly, sex is defined as a sharing .
             process in which we are revealed to ourselves, in that we becomes aware of an ability to .
             love that we never imagined we possessed. Finally, Whitehead mentions that spiritual .
             healing can be found in sexuality. Physical embraces are often known to erase existing .
             wounds and worries, therefore making forgiveness possible. The culmination of these .
             steps leads the individual to look beyond physical pleasure and gain a deeper appreciation .
             for what it means to be sexual.
             Sex is often treated as a mysterious entity, a subject that has only recently been .
             studied at great length. Research would indicate to the average person that sexual .
             reproduction links the human species to the rest of the animal kingdom. However, .
             Whitehead effectively points out that sex for most animals is seasonal and also focused .
             solely on reproduction. In contrast, sexuality to human beings is not limited only to .
             procreation, due to the fact that women and men maintain their sexual desire before and .
             after their biological fertility ends. Sex is also considered mysterious because it cannot be .
             exactly defined. Sex is seen as being symbolic because each individual has a different .
             opinion about what sex means to him/her. Many treat sex as purely relational, "a gift to .
             be exchanged between friends.

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