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            Often times, authors include in their writing the comparison between the protagonist and other characters. These comparisons are used to further add to the literary meaning of a particular piece of work. A foil is one type of comparison that authors tend to use in their genre of writing. Foil is a technique that is used when a character, who, through striking differences, similarities, and strong contrast, underscores the protagonist's distinctive characteristics. In the play Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the "foil" technique where the characters of Fortinbras and Laertes serve as ones to Hamlet.
             To understand how Shakespeare intends to use this technique, first it is important have an in-depth comprehension of the characters that are used in this method. Regardless of the fact that this technique presents a strong contrast between the characters used; in this case, Shakespeare also illustrates Hamlet's crucial flaw that later leads to his death. First of all, Hamlet is a bitter, mourning, resentful and cynical prince and he ahs been criticized for it by his uncle, King. "Tis sweet and commendable in your nature, Hamlet, To give these mourning duties to your father; But, you must know, your father lost a father; That father lost, lost his; and the survivor bound, In filial obligation, for some term To do obsequious sorrow: but to persevere In obstinate condolement is a course Of impious stubbornness. Is death of fathers, and who still hath cried, From the first corse till he that died to-day, This must be so."" (1.2.90-109) This quote shows how Hamlet's uncle wants to open his arms with a kind of fatherly love, yet he criticizes his grief by calling him obsequious, unmanly, stubborn, weak, unfortified, simple, unschooled and obstinate. .
             Due to the death of his father and the lack of sensitivity of his mother and uncle, Hamlet has become a suicidal and incestuous person. Hamlet attempts to obtain revenge from his uncle Claudius who murdered his father have been lacking action and his overlooks his plans repeatedly throughout the first four acts of the play.

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