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Reasons, Emotions, Blood


             Is there one solution? Is there one moral principle to lead us to that solution? Is there a way to find what is right and what is wrong? I personally don't believe so. Rationalists think deep and come up with something that Natural Law theorists don't agree on. Kantian theories don't work at all because there is not a single person to take a decision without moral consequences. And God did not say anything specific about Iraq in the Bible. Pure humans what are they going to do? Sarcastically but true, some kind of Virtue ethics principle seemed to fix the problem for now a nation with a great power as a virtue decided I would say - perhaps a few humans made the decision.
             However, decision was made, actions were taken. Now what? My mind still hurts. Sometimes I keep thinking and I can't fall asleep, then my body hurts too. Although it seems that most questions can be scaled down to yes' or no' answers, the reasoning behind them is immense.
             I sit in my chair again, staring through the window. Nice and peaceful day, the sun is shining, the flowers are blooming. It's spring for Pete's sake - I am supposed to be happy and joyful. But I am not. It bothers me that people are dying not that far from my city of birth. I saw some pictures or Iraqi war victims the other night - my emotions changed since then too. I know I won't be able to change anything, I know I am ignorably small compared to what is happening in the world and the forces that drive it, but I want to find peace for my soul at least. I sit and pray. God keeps throwing images and thoughts at me. I wish I were brainless bacteria or something Alas, my brain keeps running through those defective cycles of reasoning. They reach an end or solution. It feels like I have become a dual personality. Every time I think I have reached a conclusion I see things differently and my opinion does not satisfy my anymore.

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