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Death of a Salesman


             on his own "how can he find himself on a farm? is that a life? a farm hand?"(page 15) The .
             hard part of being a father is knowing when to help or when to let them fall and get up .
             themselves. Willy seems to want to help his children,but pushes and tell them what they are .
             going to do."I"ll get him a job selling. He could be big in no time"(page 16) .
             Willy believes that working on the road by selling is the greatest job a man could have (page 18) not.
             caring that his son has other interests, we find out in a coversation between BIff and his.
             younger brother happy, that Biff would prefer a physical outdoor job. "when all you really .
             desire is to be outdoors" (page 22) Willy is madened by the whole idea, and sometimes doesnt.
             even know himself what he thinks of his son. On one hand he thinks well of his son, on the .
             otherhand he is disapointed that at the age of 34 he is un-married and careerless. He ends.
             up contradicting himself! "biff is lazy " " biffs a hard worker , thats one thing about .
             biff hes not lazy" (page 16) A father has a dream, a dream of how their son is going to turn.
             out, how much he is going to accomplish, everything the father wanted to, but couldnt. Sometimes.
             this isnt realistic or even possible.
             Second children often complain being second on the list, always shadowing their older sibling, possibly.
             receiving hand-me downs their whole life. The role of the the second son is less important.
             In a monarchy, if a king was to have 2 sons, the oldest would be aire (next in line) to the crown.
             All the pressure's and high expectations are put mainly on the oldest son. This could result in .
             an insecure up-bringing up the second child, or an ever poorer relationship between the second child.
             Miller depicts the second son Happy as a father pleasing son, always doing and saying what he can to.
             keep his father happy, anything to keep him smiling even if it happened to be un-true or something .
             he didnt really want to do.

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