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Animal Research


(5) After several feedings of the dogs, Pavlov noticed that the dogs start salivating when they first saw food, rather then the food entering the dog's mouth. (5) Even though this type of research had no connection to the medical or cosmetic field, it still involved using animals so that Ivan Pavlov could conduct his type of research for psychology. .
             Now the major question is how do animals benefit from this type of testing? Any type of animals does not benefit from the type of research that scientists perform. "For instance, a healthy animal that experiences a sudden stroke does not undergo the slowly progressive arterial damage that usually plays a crucial role in human strokes."" (2) The body make up of an any animal or rodent is very different from what the make up of a human is. However, any animal that is used in any type of testing is carefully cared for and is treated the same as a human with the same illness.
             Drug and scientific testing are not the only testing that is used on animals. Cosmetic experiments are also being used on animals. The most commonly used animals in cosmetic testing consist of: rabbits, rats, guinea pigs, and dogs. (3) Even though forty thousand laboratory animals are still killed every year, however, this society does not realize how big of a number and issue this is as long as new lipstick, eye-shadow, shampoo, soaps, and/or lotions are released to the market. (3) More recently, some cosmetic companies have promoted products as "nonanimal tested-. (1) So what does "nonanimal tested- mean for animals? Nonanimal tested means that certain companies have purchased product formulation from suppliers that have conducted safety testing on animas, or the companies have formulated the product from ingredients that have already been tested. So when the cosmetic distributor can accurately state that it did not test their products on animals, because of earlier animal testing.

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