As a result adoption policies have been re-adjusted many times over the last view years to help accommodate these children. But above all the new policy change, the most controversial one is the adoption of children by same sex couples which the Child and Family Services Act and the Ontario Humans Right Code finally legalized in Ontario and British Columbia. .
No person or couple has the "right" to adopt a child. All applicants must go through strenuous background checks and they are judged on their abilities to raise a child. Which comes to the fact the gay couples have the same rights to apply for adoption because evidence shows that lesbian and gay men can and do make good parents. Discrimination comes into play when the government does not allow them to adopt because it starts to become an issue of the sexual orientation, and the issue is not "gay rights" or equality, it is about the well being of the child. .
There are many arguments against the adoption of a child by a homosexual couple, where there are few arguments for the right to adopt. The most prevalent argument against these rights is that children need a mother and father to have proper male and female role models. But when looking at how these children are brought up before being placed in a permanent home, they really had no mother or father figure to look up to, so who says that a homosexual couple can't offer the same characteristics to be adequate role models. .
Another argument is that gay and lesbian couples tend to have unstable relationships that could effect the upbringing of the child. Even though heterosexual couples have unstable relationships, it is still much less complicated then that of an unstable relationship of a gay couple. The child is already in an unbalanced environment and fighting and arguing by his parents can lead to major problems as he gets older.
There are many other valid arguments such as that children who are raised by lesbian or gay parents will be subjected to harassment and will be rejected by their peers.