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Development of surround sound


             Identifying the target buyers and approaching the relevant media outlets to gain the market penetration they desire, this will include arranging interviews for newspapers or magazines, photo shoots, television appearances, radio interviews and personal appearances to sign autographs. .
             Marketing may also include "publicity stunts" which may result in so called "free advertising by getting editorial content into newspapers and TV/radio news reports. They will also produce promotional videos and/or other multimedia products (CD ROMs or DVD products), "plugging" the song/album and video (a plugger tries to get maximum airplay of the song/video by placing directly the product into the DJ or TV producers hand). Obviously plugging involves a lot of "networking" and because of this they will often farm out this aspect of marketing to professional plugging companies.
             Because of the complexities of many of these tasks e.g. directing and shooting of videos these again may be dealt with by external professionals.
             Sales & Distribution.
             Quite simply, this department oversees distribution and sales of the product, ensure the product is in place in time for the release date by keeping in regular contact with a (usually external) distribution company. They will also regularly monitor information about various factors such as geographical sales patterns and develop new strategies to maximise the sales potential.
             Subsidiary Label.
             This generally is a "label within a label"; this means that it will have its own separate A&R and administrative departments that specialise in a particular genre of music with specific knowledge of clubs and artists. They maintain close ties with DJs, often using them in the front line as A&R men, mainstream and pirate radio stations (to maintain up to date awareness of the market trends and will conduct aggressive flyer and poster campaigns (usually funded by the major label).

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