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Technology is often considered the key to a nation's economic growth. Most economists would say that it is one of the factors in economic growth, but they would probably disagree about its importance. Many economists think that if technology sparks growth in one sector of the economy in the form of increased productivity, growth will also occur in other sectors of the economy. Jobs may be lost in one industry, such as agriculture but new jobs may emerge in other sectors of the economy. There may be more jobs or, in some case, completely new kinds of jobs. .
             Technology may also be used to solve urgent problems. Our growing population is using up infinite supplies of natural resources. Innovations in technology can allow for more efficient use of limited or scarce resources. More products might be made from the same amount of raw material using new techniques. Technology can increase productivity to help countries compete with other countries in selling goods and services. Some say that without technological improvements, the economy would grow slowly or not at all. Society could remain the same for years, some what like the early Middle Ages in Europe, in which there was little economic change for hundreds of years. Ways to manufacture goods have changed continuously through history. Today, several important new advances in technology are transforming. These technologies create new products; most of them also change the way people in society interact. These technologies have a tremendous impact on our monetary resources. Some of the technologies which are having the greatest effect on the economy are: robotics, automation and computerization. .
             Although robotics have a well-established position in the Japanese industry, it has not, so far, turned out to be what many experts thought it would. Businesses in Canada the United States and Europe have not embraced industrial robots at nearly the rate of the Japanese, and other more consumer oriented versions are very much in the development phase.

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