And some privileged scientists had access to one of the few models of the electrically driven differential analyzer, a room-sized mechanical analog machine for solving differential equations that came into existence in the 1930s and endured into the 1950s (Burks 16).".
In the beginning, for the electromechanical Harvard Mark I, which was built at Harvard University, backed by IBM in 1943, holes were punched on a piece of paper tape by users, usually around 24 on a line, for any instruction. This was actually the beginning of computer programming in the United States. Some of the routines that were used repeatedly were actually hard wired into the circuits of the Mark I. But there were very few of these and they were not very flexible. The rest of the routines that were used repeatedly had to be punched into the paper tape over and over. Later modifications were made which permitted multiple tape loops.
The origin of the stored program computer is, according to The First Computers - History and Architectures,.
"From the work done on the ENIAC project in the United States. The ENIAC sent information from one unit to another via a series of wires that ran around the outside of the machine (changing the job the ENIAC was doing essentially involved changing the connections between these "data bus" and "control bus" wires and the various units of ENIAC). Numbers were transmitted as a series of pulses for each decimal digit being moved, for example, 5 pulses sent serially down a wire would represent the digit 5, etc. This "serial data transmission" philosophy was adopted in the design of the EDVAC (the "stored program" proposal first put forward by the ENIAC team). Even though the machine was binary, rather than decimal like the ENIAC, the individual "words" of data were moved between various parts of the machine by sending either a pulse ("1") or no pulse ("0") down a single wire (Rojas 6).