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0 tolerance


2 million students suspended). African-American students are suspended at roughly 2.3 times the rate of White students nationally. In Michigan schools, 3,500 students were expelled during academic year 1999-2000. Punitive Approach Leading to Dropouts .
             The increase in suspensions and punitive policies can lead to higher rates of dropping out and delinquency among suspended youth. Without schooling, nor availability of alternative schools in many cases, youth fall behind in school and often experience repeat suspensions and an increased likelihood of dropping out of school. A 1994 study showed that students who were suspended and expelled believed that their school no longer wanted them and eventually dropped out. Pushed out of school and on the streets, youth are likely to engage in delinquent acts and eventually end up in the juvenile justice system. .
             Racial Disparities in Discipline.
             Children of color are subjected to far more suspensions and expulsions than their White counterparts. According to the Department of Education, African-American children made up only 17% of public enrollment nationwide in 1998-99, but 32% of suspensions. White students made up 63% of enrollment and represented only 50% of suspensions and 50% of expulsions. In Tennessee during the 2000 school year, the rate of suspension for African-Americans was double that of White students. In the 1999-2000 school year in Connecticut, nearly 52% of the suspensions of kindergartners went to African-Americans, 35.2% to Latinos and 12.1% to Whites. .
             Alternative Strategies.
             Effective alternatives to zero tolerance should involve students, families, and their communities in efforts to provide a safe learning environment and safety in school. Anti-violence programs like anti-bullying, anger management, and peer mediation help to reduce discipline problems in schools. Building student-teacher relationships, challenging curriculum, and teacher training in classroom management and cultural competence make schools safer, equitable, and educational.

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