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Is the Concept of Class War Still Valid THE CONCEPT OF CLASS WAR STILL VALID?


Thus, the landless labourers created as a consequence of the development of industrial capitalism constituted a new class of individuals, a class which would eventually transform capitalist society, the proletariat. .
             An important theme which I would like to stress is that 'class' as concept has existed not only in the modern period, but throughout the history of man kind, although the actors may not have been consciously aware of the concept itself. True inequality is an ideal, by the very nature of natural selection there are always to be winners and losers, an inequality is inextricably linked to human nature. It is therefore important to remember that whilst the concept of class was only recognised by mankind in the seventeenth century, its existence may be traced back to the origins of mankind. This implies that in modern times, a notion of class, although radically altered in definition and nature, can be thought to be functioning in the background of society. Whether or not this notion is valid as a concept and analytical tool is now to be discussed. .
             Before any useful debate as to the validity of 'class' can be achieved, it is necessary to summarise the various definitions of the word 'class'. Firstly, class may be used to describe groups ranked in hierarchical order. The plebeians in ancient Rome, and the system of Feudal estates, the lords, villeins, freemen, and serfs was a structure in which different legal rights and formal inequalities, were associated with particular classes in society. Weber described such legal and quasi legal orders as being composed of 'status groups', nevertheless the term class is still used to describe the hierarchical ranking of groups of individuals in society. .
             This association with hierarchy has led to a second common use of the term, a term indicating social standing or prestige. 'Upper class' and 'lower class' are therefore shorthand terms used to describe an individuals social standing.

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