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Effective Feedback


Fifthly, a feedback ought to be "requested" (2003). Every "feedback is heard most easily when the other person asks for it" (Leadership Empowerment and Development, 2003). Therefore, employees should be encouraged to demand feedback.
             Feedback finds its use in a variety of situations on every level of the company. Starting with simple problem solving, involving the relation between a manager and employee, and going as far as determining the performance and the development needs of entire corporations.
             Basic feedback.
             The most basic feedback is applied when a manager experiences problems with employees. The article "Getting employee feedback" discusses several basic rules that a manger is to follow when giving feedback to subordinates. To ensure objectiveness it is essential for the employee not to be restricted when expressing his views. It is necessary for the manager to take notes and maintain a direct eye-to-eye contact in order to demonstrate seriousness of the feedback process. By following these basic rules, a manager can effectively solve a problem without creating any unnecessary conflict (Getting Employee Feedback, 2003). .
             Performance Feedback.
             A performance feedback is an effective tool used to determine and examine the work of a particular employee. Due to the fact that "performance reviews can be highly emotional, especially for the employee, it is best to approach a review with a specific agenda in mind" (How to Conduct a Performance Review, 2003). It is crucial that the manager greets the employee and preserves an optimistic atmosphere throughout the entire meeting. An understandable summary is essential at the beginning in order to maintain the employee's attention. In case of a satisfactory performance it is proper to point out his or her achievements. "Unless an employee's performance has been truly exceptional, a feedback should be provided on areas of weakness" (2003). In view of the fact that a feedback should be objective an employee is allowed to freely express opinions and views on the discuss matter.

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