Tie hair back or wear a cap. .
In the Swim .
Wear a cap! Sure, you hate it, but chemicals in the pool are enemies of your hair health and haircolor. If you refuse the swimming-cap look, wet hair or apply leave-in to saturate before swimming - if it's already wet, your hair will absorb less chlorinated or salt water. Wash your hair as soon as you leave the water. .
Splits .
The truth is that trimming your hair anywhere along the hair shaft will give you a clean, even look. But cutting away split ends that occur above the ends of the hair may actually make splits worse rather than better. The hair tends to abrade even more, resulting in another dreaded split end. Prevent split ends altogether by caring for hair with the right conditioning and care regimen, and have hair ends trimmed regularly. .
All Frizzed Out .
People with naturally curly, coarse, or damaged hair know all about the frizzies. But everyone has a frizz attack at one time or another, usually when the weather is wet and rainy. Even a little humidity in the air can make every straight-and-smooth blow dry style frizz up instantly! Control those frizzies with style and care products designed to fight them. .
Don't Tease Me! I Break .
When you tease or backcomb the hair, you're actually ripping away its cuticle protection. This exposes the hair's sensitive inner layer, the cortex, and leaves it vulnerable to breakage. .
To protect your hair, comb your hair smoothly downward, from roots to ends, helping the cuticles' "shingles" lie flat and smooth. Backcombing makes the "shingles" stick up, so hair doesn't shine and a coarse, frizzy, fly-away look is created. .
Improving its condition is the only way to make it look shinier.
• When hair is damp, apply leave-in conditioner to damaged areas. .
• Invest in a quality deep-conditioning treatment and use once a week. .
• Although blow-dryers and straightening irons may add to the damage, they're the only things that will make your hair look sleeker temporarily.