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A Long Day's Journey into Night


You"d better take a bracer," (O"Neill 149). He follows this by filling Edmund's glass to the brim with whiskey, and then his own, and they both drink. They put this particular fight behind them with the finishing of the glasses, and they continue their card game, only to fight over another topic, and of course drink more.
             James" cheapness also lead to his wife's severe addiction to morphine, which she acquired after giving birth to Edmund. James of course got one of the cheapest doctors he could, and he gave Mary way too much morphine, a very potent drug to be taken in moderation, causing her body to become dependent on it. "It never should have gotten a hold on her! I know damned well she's not to blame! And I know who is! You are! Your damned stinginess! If you"d spent money for a decent doctor when she was so sick after I was born, she"d never have known morphine existed!" (O"Neill 142). Although James did try to find a cure for her and actually spent money for the well-being of a family member, he hoped for sheer will power to break the addiction, but it never came, and the problem only grew. Now whenever Mary got into a quarrel with a family member or felt that she simply needed to get away, she would hurry to her room, feigning some minor "illness" or simply stating that she needed a "nap." "I"m afraid you"ll have to excuse me, James. I couldn't possible eat anything. My hands pain me dreadfully. I think the best thing for me is to go to bed and rest. Good night, dear," (O"Neill 125). Of course all she wanted from her room was her morphine, supporting her dope habit that only increased in stressful times. James and the others knew exactly what she wanted to do in her room away from all them, and yet did nothing about it aside from yelling and finger-pointing.
             Jamie, the eldest son, is living at home with his family, earning his keep working around the home with James and as an actor with parts set up by his father.

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