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            In the book Night, by Elie Wiesel, life is precious and worth fighting for, under any conditions. While Eliezer and his father went through the torture of the Nazi concentration camps, they never gave up hope that they were going to get out of there alive. If one of them every thought that they were going to die in the ovens of the concentration camp, the other one was there to snap the other back in line. Between the two of them, there was always someone that still had hope. .
             After the German forces invaded the small Transylvanian town of Sighet, they started imposing restrictions on the Jewish people in this town. They also set up town Ghettos. All the Jews in this town were forced to leave everything behind, and to live within these few city blocks. Instead of the Jews feeling that there lives were over, they actually felt good about living there. They though of it as a little Jewish Republic. They appointed Jewish Council, a Jewish police, a office for social assistance, a labor committee, a hygiene department, and a whole government machinery. A lot of the Jews figured that they would remain in this ghetto until the war was over. Well they were wrong. A couple of days later, all the Jews were moved out the Ghettto and onto cattle cars. When the Jews arrived in Auschwitz they did not even fear for their lives. They wanted to believe so bad that everything was going to be all right. Eliezer says after they arrive at Auschwitz, "Two men were allowed to get down to fetch water. When they came back, they told us that, in exchange for a gold watch, they had discovered that this was the last stop. We would be getting out here. There was a labor camp. Conditions were good. Families would not be split up"(24). Even in the face of danger the Jews were trying to fight for their lives. Many of them knew the danger that faced them beyond the gates of the camp, but in their own minds the only was to protect their lives was to not admit to themselves that they were in danger.

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