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             In this paper, I will examine what the transcendental schema is, and how Kant explains it. I will also relate the concept of categories to their application towards experience, and furthermore, why it is necessary that the be schematized in order to be fulfill this demand. .
             The schematism is contained within the Analytic of Principles, which is to say, the analytic of the principles of the employment of the concepts of judgment. This is to differentiate the schematism from the deduction, which is contained in the Analytic of Concepts and is therefore a deduction of the concepts of the understanding. Therefore, what we find in the schematism is not simply that time is determined by the concepts but the actual time determinations of the concepts: how it happens.
             Kant opens up the Schematism by restating that there needs to be a medium through which the a priori concepts can relate to intuitions. In addition, that in each case, "the concept must contain that which is represented in the object that is to be subsumed under it" (CPR A137/B176). The schematism satisfies this requirement, as it is a transcendental determination of time. Time is present in the manifold of intuition and it is present in the a priori concepts, as it is necessary to the absolute synthetic unity. "Hence an application of the category to appearances becomes possible by means of the transcendental time-determination which, as the schema of the concept of the understanding, mediates the subsumption of the latter under the former" (CPR A139/B178).
             A schema is simply the transcendental determination of time as it applies to a concept; thus, all of the concepts in the categories must be able to represent merely as determinations of time. This determination or schema is a product of the imagination. It is important to note that the schema, although a product of the imagination, is not the image of the concept, but only a determination of time.

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