Some of the behavior techniques popularly used are counter-conditioning, also called "de-sensitization;" observational learning, in which the client is urged to watch the more healthy responses of someone else; aversion in which electric shock or drugs may be added in order to get rid of inappropriate behavior; and positive reinforcement. Behavior therapy may get very good results, but it is questionable how permanent those results may be, if one has not dealt with the source of the symptoms or inappropriate responses. .
• Group Psychotherapy is very popular these days in helping many people cope. Its advantages are in helping people relate to others in more effective ways, in helping an individual understand he/she is not alone (or crazy), and in having peers assist in the healing process. The down sides are: time for proper healing is indefinite, it is often difficult to know when healing has taken place fully, and the reasons for problems vary so considerably from person to person and may not be reached in a group setting. From a behaviorist's standpoint, the outer action is more important; therefore, its change is what is looked for, rather than its source. .
Obviously, there are many other methods and ways of doing counseling than are covered here." 30/03/03.
"In the mental health area, it is used for phobias, anxiety, sexual problems, alcoholism, smoking control, speech disorders, weight control, chronic pain, age regression therapy, self-esteem/ego strengthening, memory/concentration improvement and forensic work." http:// 30/03/03.
"Also it is used in victims of abuse (incest, rape, physical abuse, cult abuse), anxiety and stress management, bed-wetting, depression, smoking cessation, sleep disorders, concentration, sexual disfactions, test anxiety and learning disorders."