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Mozart in All His Fine Glory


             o 25 Piano concertos (A Mozart Timeline).
             • 23 String quartets (Kinderman).
             o 26 String quartets (A Mozart Timeline).
             • 17 Piano sonatas (Kinderman, A Mozart Timeline).
             • 7 Major operas (Kinderman).
             o 21 Stage and opera works (A Mozart Timeline).
             • Several other works (Vocals and Instrumentals) (Kinderman).
             o 15 Masses.
             o 12 Violin concertos.
             o 27 Concert arias.
             o Many other pieces (unidentified), (A Mozart Timeline).
             All together, he has been given the esteemed credit for approximately six-hundred plus works (Wolfgang). A proud achievement for any soul I would dare to say. As you may see, depending upon the resources, his number and type of works may, and many times do vary. Nonetheless, as society, we are thankful to this master of the audio arts.
             We can see his "divinity" embedded within his musical side, so what comes of his "human" side? With this "inward" peer into his life, this author will try to impress upon you why his music is so passionate and full of beauty. The journey begins Mozart was truly a gifted and talented man. With so much accomplished, it is hard to fathom that he had any energy, much less, any time for a marriage. We shall first, give a hand of thanks to Mr. Hohmann, for his exceptional work in the translation of Mozart's personal letters to his loved ones. .
             Mozart, in a letter to his father (Leopold), of his intent to marry, describes his future wife, Constanze Weber, as such "My dear, good Constanze is the martyr of the family, and is, perhaps for that very reason, the kindest, most capable, in short the best of them all."(Hohmann). In this letter, we can clearly see that he is deeply in love with this woman. The words he uses to describe her are filled with passion, and run deep as the ocean in his soul. .
             Dearest, most beloved little wife!.
             You must forgive me, I know, for only sending you one letter a day [ ]. My only wish is to get my affairs settled so that I can be with you again.

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