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             To set up that which we like against that which we dislike is the disease of the human mind. It is a disease born from the deadly pathogen known as distinction. Black and white; good and evil; pleasure and pain. The point at which one learns to distinguish between such things is the very point at which Heaven and Earth are set infinitely apart. This ethereal separation may seem abstract, but it is the single most poignant example of a wall and its function. In fact I would wager to say that all physical examples of walls are the outward manifestation of this unconscious and heavily internalized cognitive process of distinction. This wall touches every aspect of the human condition, and is the single biggest obstacle toward cultural assimilation and dissemination in the world.
             When examining walls one must consider the function of the wall. One function of walls simply put; is to keep others out. Two examples of such walls are the great wall of China and Hadrian's wall. Hadrian built his wall for the purpose of keeping out the blue faced Picts of northern Scotland. The great wall of China was erected for protection from the barbarous Mongol hordes that plagued the vast steppes of northern China. Both of these walls are miracles of both architecture and administration and have stood for over a thousand years. While both walls served a function of keeping outsiders away, they seem suspiciously symbolic of a different kind of wall that surrounded both of these cultures for years to come. Both China and England are considered by history to be insular societies. England's cultural insulation can primarily be attributed to is relative geographic isolation from the European continent. This kept the renaissance from reaching England almost until the 16th century. The Chinese were not so much geographically isolated as they were politically isolated. For thousands of years the Chinese would not allow any foreigners into their borders or allow any of the native peoples to leave.

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