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True Friendship


            Have you ever know someone who is a friend to another person who is inferior? In John Steinbeck's novel Of Mice and Men, Lennie is a childlike character who is not bright. George is ultimately a good friend to Lennie, even though Lennie is not intelligent.
             George wants to treat Lennie better and give him more responsibility. For example even though George knows Lennie breaks animals" necks, he tells Lennie he will be able to tend the rabbits when they get a farm. This shows that George is willing to give Lennie a lot of responsibility by being able to control the lives" of animals. This also shows George wants Lennie to have more responsibility than he can handle. In assition George lets Lennie have a puppy and spend time with it, even though though Lennie eventually kills it. This shows that George wants Lennie to be happy by having things that he really wants. This shows that George allows Lennie freedoms by letting him spend time with the puppy when he wants. Overall George usually lets Lennie have the material things he wanted, even though he was not responsible enough.
             In the book George goes to great depths to prevent Lennie from feeling any pain. For example George takes the mouse from Lennie and throws it away, but promises Lennie he can have one that is fresher. This shows George did not want Lennie to get any bacteria or germs from the rotting body. This also shows George is not mean to him just for fun, but because he says Lennie can have another, he was concerned about Lennie. In addition George shoots Lennie in his neck before Curley can get to him. This shows that George did not want to cause Lennie any pain. This shows that George caused pain to prevent an even greater amount of pain. George tried hard not to allow Lennie to feel any pain, or reducing it, even if it meant causing him pain in the first place.
             Overall George really tries to do what is best for Lennie even though at the time it does not seem like the best.

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