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             You could also call them painkillers because they have the same drug in it as painkillers. These drugs are a high in misusage and in death. A lot of these drugs you see in the streets and in the movies. Here are some Narcotic drugs: Alfentanil, cocaine, codeine, crack cocaine, fentanyl, heroin, hydromorphone, ice, meperidine, methadone, morphine, nalorphine, opium, oxycodone, propoxyphene. All of these drugs can give you a feeling of relaxation with a rush of energy. Codeine is normally used for the relief of pain and is very addicting. It is something that needs a prescription or a signature. On the streets it slang term if schoolboy. It last about 3-6 hours. It is used orally, injected, or smoked. Heroin is another narcotic. It comes from the opium poppy. It is also a high pain reliever and when misused can be very addicting. The main way of use is injection but it can also be smoked and snorted. It has a great affect on HIV and AIDS. On the streets it is also known as horse, smack, H, stuff, and junk. It last about 3-6 hours. Cocaine is probably something everybody knows about. Its also known as coke, dust, snow, flake, blow, girl. It gives a carefree feeling and relaxation but it only last for 5-20 minutes. It is the type of narcotic that you need more and more to get high every time you use it. It is known to kill a Human being the first use. We all know the painkiller called morphine and lots of people try to get there hands on it. It is used in hospitals but there is always someway people in the streets use it. It is also know as "M", white stuff, miss emma, and monkey. It last about 3 to 6 hours and could also be smoked. Must be regulated because too much can cause death. Hydromorphone is another type of morphine but it is 2 to 8 times stronger. It is obtain by people who need it or it is stolen to make a profit. On the streets its know as little d or lords. Its affects also last 3 to 6 hours.

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