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            A relationship is considered to be two people in love. When a relationship is formed, a set of unauthorized vows are given. Trust, love, honor and obey are some of those vows. A relationship is broken because one of those vows are not taken into consideration. When two people separate and no longer in love, the vows are broken and a sense of freedom comes to mind. Story of an Hour written by Kate Chopin and Aunt Jennifer's Tigers written by Adrienne Rich are two writings that tell the reader about a relationship. Both writings help prove that the longer in a relationship, the harder it is to end it.
             Story of an Hour was about an older woman named Ms. Mallard who finds out about her husband in an accident. She is told that her husband has passed away. A weird but interesting feeling emerged when she had heard this. She described herself as being very happy after hearing the news. A sudden feeling of freedom is felt. She had felt like she was being controlled and now the controller is gone, she has the freedom to do whatever she pleases. After being in a relationship that long, she felt a feeling of relief. She had loved the man and suddenly reminded herself, there is no longer a need to listen to anyone but herself. No fighting or anything of that sort. Ms. Mallard feelings suddenly come to an end. She finds out that her husband is home n suddenly has a heart attack. A sense of irony is in this story, when a relationship is broken, a period of sadness is brought upon, but a feeling of happiness emerged for Ms. Mallard. She dies at the end because of fright, excitement and sadness building up too fast.

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