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In this sense, the argument over same-sex and heterosexual marriage becomes not a religious one, but a biological one. Are we willing to risk all the unforeseeable consequences once we allow same-sex partners to have the same social and economical rights as heterosexual partners? .
             Today, gays are considered normal people and they have the rights that normal people have. Andrew Sullivan states in his article "Let Gays Marry- that the Supreme Court declares "A state cannot deem a class of persons a stranger to its law- and this means that gays and lesbians are not strangers in the American society anymore and they have the same rights as any American citizen does. For the first time in the Supreme Court history, gays were treated as "normal."".
             Gays want to have the right to marry, to be treated like other people, but whether or not they are truly a disenfranchised minority is still up for debate. Can what has happened to African-Americans and other minorities still be comparable to the "discrimination- that homosexuals experience? African-Americans are discriminated because of their race; gays are discriminated against because of what they practice.
             The other issue that gay men and lesbians are concerned about is the adoption of children. And I don't agree on this. Because stability is the key to raising an emotionally and mentally healthy child; unmarried and homosexual partners simply cannot provide the stability that married heterosexual couples can give. Children need a role model, both male and female. Every child has the right to both a mother and a father; Homosexual activists put their personal desires above the rights of these children to have a chance at a normal family life with a father and mother. A family with a mother and a father is the best scenario for producing the healthiest, both physically and mentally, children. However, when gays adopt they are purposefully putting a child in a family scenario which is anything other than the best possible scenario for that child.