"Does it hurt to nip out? What about shaving You know Down there?" Yes, a fellow I did not even know very well has actually asked me this question. It was not the most distasteful comment he made that night. I had generously offered to provide him a ride home from work as his truck was in a neighboring town. This story brings up a remarkably important issue that can be controversial. Although some believe that the empowered state of today's women excludes today's men from any obligation of politeness, this simply is not true. Although the women of today are empowered to a record point in the glorious history of our species on this planet Earth, men should still be polite and chivalrous at all times, because this creases a safeguarded pleasantness and a certain level of comfort.
It is remarkably legitimate that women do not need men to be polite. Nothing in a woman's biological characteristics causes her injury or pain in any form without the civility and obvious caring of men. Women are able to open doors on their own and pull their own chairs out when preparing to sit and eat. Women can hear disgusting and loathsome words and comments. Women can weather awkward moments of sexual or political tension and can stand for filthy questions. Women can take it; women are strong. This, however, is not the point. Simply being able to do something does not make it pleasant. Unpleasantness leads to discomfort and a generally disconsolate time at any occasion or event. Men should treat women with the utmost respect that they deserve. Women work just as hard as men and deserve to be treated with the politeness that high society feels justified to demand.
Although some women are lightly offended by standard politeness, this viewpoint is inseparably flawed. Politeness does not necessarily insinuate that a woman is inadequate, only that the man will furnish her proper regard. When a man refrains from using foul, dirty, and indelicate language, for example, in the immediate vicinity of a woman, he demonstrates that he respects her and wants to treat her satisfactorily.