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How the Hebrews Have Impacted the World Through the Ages


             The Egyptian king at the time, growing fearful that the Jews would try to revolt against him, ordered all Jewish children below two years of age to be slaughtered or thrown into the Nile. His wife came across a baby in a basket on the Nile river and gave him the name Moses. Moses grew up as the younger brother of Rameses II, the future Pharaoh that he would be pitted against.
             Moses came to find out that he was actually of Jewish origin and, after he murdered an Egyptian taskmaster, fled from his "homeland". He returned years later to find his brother on the throne, standing in his way of completing his mission from God. This was the second way in which the Jewish religion impacted the world. It brought many plagues upon Egypt because they would not let the slaves go.
             Another way in which they impacted the world is through military conquest. Their faith in God led them to be great warriors and overcome many obstacles. After being freed from the Egyptians and crossing the red sea, the Jews wandered in the desert for forty years. At that time, they came to the land of Canaan, the "Promised Land". In Canaan, they came to see giants (the Nephilim. Believed to be half-human, half-angel.) and many of them became scared. But there were two warriors, Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh, had great faith in God and drove on, defeating the giants and taking the Canaan.
             Even there shear existence affected the world. Hitler, during WWII, began the slaughter of the Jewish people and excusing it to his own with his propaganda. The concentration camps he used to exact his cruelty upon them killed millions of innocent Jews. The effects of this are still felt today. There are many individual "Holocaust Museums" around the world.
             If the Jewish faith had not existed, Christianity and Catholicism (which are indeed separate religions) would not exist. The Old Testament of Christianity in its entirety is the Jewish Torah.

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