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Muhammed - Political and Religious Leader


Some of Muhammad's followers emigrated to Ethiopia, which at the time was a monotheistic country. The ones that stayed in Mecca, Muhammad included suffered economic sanctions as punishment for his teachings, as a result they decided to take the Pilgrimage to Yathrib which then became known as Medina or city of the Prophet.".
             Medina at this time was disturbed by economic and social change similar to Mecca, however, instead of one leading tribe, there were two competing ones. The divided ones there favored Muhammad's teachings. Muhammad's writings for the companions of the Prophet or the two elite groups in Medina showed that his new main concern was of organizing a new united community. Characteristics of Islam could be identified in his new ideas about the functioning community. Muhammad wanted to unite all the tribes of Arabia, Jews and Arabs together. The Jews that were approached refused to listen to Muhammad's claims, those who refused were driven out of Medina and only Moslems remained. Although this meant that now Medina was a purely Moslem community who were all united in religion as Muhammad wanted, he could not be said to be successful as he only achieved it by forcing those who would not conform to leave the country. Within two decades, Muhammad had united most of northern Arabia in his religious policy; he made an exodus (Hijra) for the unbelievers and declared war on them until they converted. He was undoubtedly a religious leader; but for him religion was the total response of his personality to the total situation in which he found himself (1).
             Muhammad's religious purpose was to preach monotheism around the Arabian Peninsula, abolish idolatry (worshipping idols) and to encapsulate the true faith of the holy law. He was successful in defeating Pagans in Mecca and did get most of his followers to adhere to his code of religion and morals. They were committed to memory by Muhammad and his followers and recited as part of their common worship.

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