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The monster that moves america


             The Monster that Moves America .
             From the overwhelming size and number of cars on the road and the total .
             dependence on petroleum, to the layout of the nation's cities and suburbs which.
             forces Americans to drive everywhere, the American system of tansportation wastes.
             unnecessary resources. America could do better by finding ways to reduce the .
             number and size of cars on the roads and by lessening it's dependence on petroleum and.
             designing it's its suburbs and mass transportation around eachother and making overall .
             sacrifices for the good of its country and planet.
             Americas automobiles are too big. The popularity of SUVs has skyrocketed this .
             past decade and so has their size. Nowdays there are numerous SUVs with .
             three rows of seating and huge motors to pull their huge weights. From the Ford .
             Excursion to the Hummer, SUVs are entirely too big. The monster of the road,.
             the Ford Excursion, is available with a ten cylinder engine. These beasts .
             of motors in SUVs would infact come in handy towing a trailer but when this beast is .
             used for light loads and a passenger hauling, then it is a waste of gas, space, and money. .
             The problem with huge SUVs like the Excursion, is that they are not used .
             for hauling huge loads with their huge engines, but people. An American is more likely .
             to see a huge SUV like the Excursion or Hummer H2 with more empty seats than .
             filled and an unused trailer hitch. Why do Americans embrace this mindset that "Bigger .
             is Better?" If Americans want to change their transporations system and improve .
             their enviornment, then sacrifices on the size of vehicles must be made.
             Everyday, millions of Americans face congested roads to school,work, or the .
             grocery store and then back home again. Horns honk, cars collide, and .
             frustration flares as multitudes of drivers diverge on the same roads. America has too .
             many cars.

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