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Marriage in Transition


Dorothea has an independent mind at a time when women were supposed to be openly subservient to men. She intends to do much good in the world and is constantly drawing up 'plans'. "Her whole soul was possessed by the fact that a fuller life was opening up to her- (28). While Dorothea does not completely ratify the subservient woman, she certainly embodies and plants the seed for the need to change the way society sees women. Dorothea definitely believes that women in general can have a beneficial affect on their culture. .
             Eliot enables herself to critique the idea of Enlightenment individualism with the union of Dorothea and Casaubon. In Middlemarch, the couple either improves or weakens society. Dorothea recognizes this concept. Her idea of growth and change revolves around Mr. Casaubon and the way that they can, together, improve the circumstances of their environment. "Now she would be able to devote herself to large yet definite duties All Dorothea's passion was transfused through a mind struggling towards an ideal life- (29). .
             Likewise, Casaubon anticipates the assistance Dorothea will bring into the relationship. However, readers learn that Casaubon cannot and will not change. Eliot uses this character to symbolize the resistance from society that will certainly exist when the winds of change blow through. He is motivated completely by selfish desires. "Mr. Casaubon, too, was the center of his own world; if he was liable to think that others were providentially made for him- (54). He is uninterested in marital bliss or even how he can contribute to his wife's happiness. Especially within his marriage relationship, Casaubon symbolizes the resistance of the outside society as the culture begins to transform.
             It becomes obvious very quickly that Mr. Casaubon will be unsuccessful in satisfying Dorothea's needs. The epigraph previously given begins to testify to this issue.

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