While standing in line the other day at the bank, I heard the sounds of business all around me.
People talking, papers shuffling about, and telephones ringing filled the air that afternoon. Then suddenly .
I hear the high pitched ring of a cellular phone. The man next to me answers his call when yet another .
phone rings. Fifteen minutes have already gone by the time I count the sixth phone call, excluding the one .
I received a little while ago. It seems as though everyone has one of these things now, one of these .
growths on there ears. In recent years, the cellular phone has become increasingly popular for all financial .
classes. One main factor for this has been the improvements made in the technology. .
When cellular phones or cell phones were first introduced onto the market, they were affordable .
for the wealthy only. To have a cell phone then was a symbol of one's wealth and importance. However, .
those who could not afford an early cell phone may have admired the owner but he or she was left with the .
burden of carrying around that large and bulky monstrosity. The early phones were extremely large in .
comparison to the phones of today. They were not the types of device that could just store away in your .
pocket; in fact, they resembled the old phones used by the military in combat. The only war they are used .
for now though is that of the business wars. However, all of this was soon to change. .
Once the world was free of the eighties and early nineties we marveled at our new creations. The .
intestines of these growths suddenly reduced in size by over fifty percent. This paved the way for a whole .
new breed of cell phone. Once the idea of a phone that could be taken everywhere caught on a bigger .
market opened. There was now a demand for cell phones, and with this the prices dropped and the people .
came. Today cell phones have come a long way from their earlier counterparts. They have become .