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It spreads throughout the body and damages connective tissues and organs. It will eventually, if unchecked, stiffen the joints in deformed positions. In this disease inflamed tissue erodes the bones and cartilage. .
             Rheumatoid arthritis generally occurs in a symmetrical pattern, meaning that if it occurs in one hand or knee it will also happen on the other one. The disability that comes with the crippling aspect of Rheumatoid arthritis is preventable but exercise programs, and aspirin or other drugs. A joint may be repaired or replaced, and in extreme cases a gold compound injection can be used. Rheumatoid arthritis affects three times more women than men. It strikes people of all ages, through generally those of middle- age or older. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inconsistent disease. In some people, it leaves after a few months or years without leaving any noticeable damage. In other people, the symptoms persist and cause the person to be unable to function.
             Gout is a hereditary disorder that occurs more frequently in men than women. An excess of uric acid in the blood and tissue causes it. The pain is caused by crystals of acid formed under the skin and in the joints. Gouts occur when there is too little uric acid excreted or too much kidneys to excrete. An attack begins suddenly with severe pain and swelling in a joint and the overlaying skin becomes red and shiny. If it is untreated it can .
             last up to seven days and further attacks are likely even after the symptoms disappear. The causes of gout are not known, but drugs and some minor injuries can bring an attack on. Gout is treated by resting the joint and the drugs sulindac, ibuprofen, naproxenm and indomethacian are prescribed for older people who suffer from this form of arthritis. If it is not treated early the condition may become chronic.
             Ankylosing spondylitis is a condition in which the bones of the spine fuse together, causing stiffness and the back can bowed.

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