However, a marriage is an institution based on love, not only on having children. If everyone in this country pro-created, then the country would be overpopulated. .
Another issue would be the weakening of traditional family values. Many believe that children living in homes with homosexuals will disturb the children. Some children may not even know the difference. According to an influential online reference, families are already being torn apart by divorce and other problems. "Introducing a new form of family would only make the situation worse" ("Same Sex Marriages-Pros and Cons," 2004). The family values that are taught in someone's home are personal, and no one can judge their decision, unless, of course, they are doing something unlawful. .
On the other hand, much of society feels that gay marriage is acceptable. A UFMCC article states that, homosexual relationships are misunderstood in that "gays are promiscuous, unable to form lasting relationships, and the relationships that do form are shallow and uncommitted" ("Gay Marriage Pro," 2003). Although most religions view homosexuality as a sin, many gay people practice an organized religion, and do not view this as a sin.
According to the article from "Same Sex Marriages-Pros and Cons", there are several reasons that gay marriage should be legal. First, denying them is a violation of religious freedoms because civil and religious marriages are two separate institutions. Also, marriage qualifies couples for certain benefits, such as insurance benefits, joint ownership of property, and tax filing status. These things should be available to all couples, regardless of the sex of each partner. Another reason is that homosexuality is more accepted today with proven biological causation. Also, if gay marriage is not legalized then this will be a form of minority discrimination. Due to the American concept, the minority rights should be protected, even if the majority rules.