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Preserve our Culture


             I will pass along to younger hunters the attitudes and skills essential to a true outdoor sportsman. .
             People have been following these rules before they were even written down on paper. Hunting has been a way of life for many generations and will continue to be for as long as I can imagine. If the pleasure of hunting were to ever disappear it would be as if we were taking away part of our heritage. Before all of these appliances were invented and there were stores to buy your food at how do you think our ancestors survived? They hunted. They built their own weapons and they went out and hunted for their food. Hunting for food has forever been and will continue to be the one thing we can always value as truly American. .
             Hunting is also a great source of food. If money is tight at home a nice sized buck can get you a long way and can be used in many types of meals such as: chili, soup, hamburger, beef jerky, and sausage. If a member in my family brings home any type of deer we never waste any part of the meat. Provided we have a nice sized doe or buck my dad will divide up the meat. Probably a quarter of if we will take in to be made in to venison sausage and hot sticks and the other three quarters my mom will can and we will use in other meals throughout the year until the next hunting begins and my dad and sister hopefully bring home another deer. Without the meat we get from deer each year we would have to spend much more money at the supermarket buying other types of meat and we would be missing out on the great taste of venison and the sausage, which the deer provides for us. .
             Many people, when they hear the word hunting automatically think of deer hunting. For me that is not the case. There are many different types of hunting. For instance there is duck hunting, pig hunting, bear hunting, small game hunting, along with many types of fishing as well. Hunting gives people the opportunity to try new things.

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