The supplementation of Creatine is just an easier way to make sure you get more than what your body will burn during intense training.
The benefits that come from creatine may range from significantly enhancing the ability to maintain muscular force an power during exhaustive workout that requires endurance to improvements in weight lifting tests and 40 yard dash time's both done by the NFL. With proven improvement studies done in both areas, one can see why creatine supplementing catches the eyes of a wide range of football players from high school all the way to the pro level. The benefits don't stop here, there has been studies that show creatine may help you stay healthy, even though the reason why there is speculation is because it is thought to make you more vulnerable to muscle aches, cramps, increased urination, and sometimes heat exhaustion ( Jenkins ).
Instead of mistaking creatine supplementation as being your only source of creatine you must still eat healthy. If the athlete does then he may actually see the side affects of being more healthy. Some of the cases that show creatine is the cause of heat exhaustion and other side affects, may forget to tell you that the athlete neglected to take in extra water as you are suppose to during creatine supplementation. You must still drink and eat appropriately for your sport. Your body needs certain nutrients and when denied those nutrients is where you find the health issues. Any athlete that does not drink enough may be dehydrated and have other problems while on the field. The cause is not due to creatine. If you still take in the right amount of nutrients.
and water you may actually be healthier while on creatine rather than off.
Athletes that use creatine should make sure to carefully watch their intake of the supplement and not to take excessive amounts, this is thought to be the cause of many of the so called side affects.