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Plants and Fungi


Fungi are classified by their reproductive structures (zygosporangia, ascus, conidium).
             All fungal nuclei, except the zygote, are haploid. Plants have altering haploid-diploid nuclei. Another important difference is the compositioin of .
             their cell walls. Fungi's cell walls are composed of chitin, while plants' have cellulose making up their cell walls. A final difference between the .
             two kingdoms, is nuclear mitosis. In fungi, during mitosis the nuclear envelope does not break down and reform: mitosis takes place inside the.
             nucleus; the spindle pulling the chromosomes to opposite ends of the nucleus. In plants, the nuclear envelope breaks down, and reforms after.
             the spindle pulls chromosomes to opposite ends of the cell.
             4. The major characteristics defining groups of Eubacteria include the nature of the cell wall, the shape of the cell, motility, and physiology. The .
             common characteristics that eubacteria share include no nuclear membrane, they are all prokaryotic unicellular organisms, they experience no .
             mitosis, and contain no membrane bound nucleus. Cyanobacteria is a gram negative bacteria with photosynthetic membranes. They lack a .
             membrane bound nucleus and chloroplasts. Unlike other eubacteria, they are encapsulated in a jelly-like substance, and cling together to form.
             colonies. Cyanobacteria go through plant-like photosynthesis, and release oxygen into the atmosphere. They are classified as .
             photoautotrophs and use the sun's energy to build organic molecules from carbon dioxide. Sulfur bacteria are classified as chemoautotrophs, .
             and they are able to obtain energy from inorganic molecules and gases in the atmosphere, similar to cyanobacteria. They are also involved in .
             the nitrogen cycle, as are cyanobacteria. Chemoautotrophs, however, oxidize ammonia and nitrite to form nitrate that can be used by.
             plants.Unlike cyanobacteria that use the sun's energy to create oxygen, chemoautotrophs use energy stored in chemical bonds to synthesize .

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