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Evolution of the Discus


To the Ancient Greeks, he symbolized commitment to spiritual and physical achievement (Wilkins, 4). The statue depicts a man holding a flat object shaped like a plate. The implement used in Ancient Greece was a metal object much larger and heavier than the one in use now (Glubok, 44). The word "discus" to the Ancient Greeks literally meant "thing for throwing" (McNab, 150). This is how they named the event. The only thing that is unclear is the techniques used in the Greek period (McNab, 150).
             Today, the discus that the Greeks once knew has changed immensely. Today the sport is held in a very organized manner, and is widely recognized as one of the more skillful events in track and field. From the Eighteenth Olympiad to the modern day Olympics, everything from rules to the techniques used has been altered. Today, unlike in Ancient Greece, it is an individual sport outside of the pentathlon. In today's Olympics it is performed in a circular ring, with a boundary that has sector lines going out in a sixty-degree angle from the throwing ring.
             Some of the major changes that have been made since the ancient Olympics is the altering of the throwing area and standardizing the size of the discus. After the idea of .
             throwing from the balbis was dropped in the 1896 Olympics, the throwing ring was changed to an eight and a half-foot square (Pagani, 5). A switch from the balbis to the .
             square now meant athletes were limited in how many steps they could take before releasing the discus. This change stayed up until the 1908 Olympics when the square gave way to a circle, which is still used today (Pagani, 5). One conflict that still remained was the issue of everyone using different sized discus, which made it harder to compete against others. So in 1908, the official size of the discus was set so that all athletes had an equal opportunity (Pagani, 5). Now that all athletes were at the same level, the main point to improve was their technique to throwing the discus.

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