journey will end soon with the coming of winter, when most expeditions through nature are.
completed or suspended due to the weather. In making the decision of which path to take,.
without being able to know where either may lead him, Frost uses his imagination to decide to.
take the path less travelled by, "Because it was grassy and wanted wear", following his own.
intuition rather than following in the paths of many others. There is also the impression that this.
place is remote and free of other people and influences, "In leaves no step had trodden black.".
indicates a sense of loneliness and solitude. .
The use of a physical representation for the journey of the imagination is also evident in.
Journey to the Interior, the setting here being untamed and wild, "surrounded by a tangle of.
branches, a net of air and alternate light and dark", indicating that the journey is confusing and.
difficult at times, but must be undertaken- "there are no destinations apart from this". The.
intertwining of the story of the physical journey and the imaginative throughout the poem has.
been done to communicate the deeper meaning more clearly rather than just leaving the reader to.
speculate on the true meaning, but dropping hints. The "vacant wilderness" suggests that in.
Journey to the Interior, as in The Road Not Taken this is a lonely and remote location, where one.
can only trust in themselves to make the right decisions. .
".and the road becomes my bride". Wherever I May Roam also uses the imagery of a.
journey through a natural surrounding to convey the journey into the mind. Although in this text.
the story is not wholly relying on the physical journey as a representation of the imaginative as the.
others do, the images of a journey through a physical reality are used. .
In The Road Not Taken, Frost makes the decision to take the path less travelled by, a.
decision made in a lonely environment without any input from others, and making the decision no.