It is true that society does require some form of restriction so as to avoid a chaotic societal interaction. There are those who would push the boundaries of "freedom- so as to benefit all the much more in their lives. Who is to say what limitations are fair and what limitations should determine the boundaries in which society should follow? If approached with such a question Mills would provide such an answer as "The majority, being satisfied with the ways of mankind as they now are (for it is they who make them what they are), cannot comprehend why those ways should not be good enough for everybody- . This quote suggesting that society creates boundaries so to speak and what is acceptable within such boundaries. Such boundaries would vary within particular cultures but still yet limitations are set by majority found within a particular culture. Lying and stealing or even killing is considered very wrong within North American culture whereas there is a tribe in Africa where lying and betrayal is admirable and looked at with high esteem. Such limitations are found within cultures but vary from culture to culture.
In a picture perfect world every individual would agree and see eye to eye'. Opinions would line up and parallels would be made. This is not the case though nor is this a picture perfect world. Opinions vary and conflict with one another. It is unrealistic to silence one opinion due to it contrast as well as radical nature. Historically it can be seen that particular government rulers would try to silence people possibly for their opinions and or beliefs because they believed that such outspoken opinions/beliefs would seduce the minds of the crowd and cause riots. Mills was and still would be strictly opposed to such silencing' and would comment "We can never be sure that the opinion we are endeavoring to stifle is a false opinion; and if we were sure, stifling it would be an evil still- .