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Civil servant


            What is a personal injury lawyer's purpose? Are they bottom feeders who look to be rewarded from others mishaps or are they good people trying to find justice for those less fortunate? A Civil Action, by Jonathan Harr, exemplifies both sides of a personal injury lawyer's reason in practicing. Throughout this book many ethical issues spring about, the main one being; what is Jan Schlichtmann's reason for representing his clients and his clients" reasons for needing a lawyer, and are they one and the same. .
             There are several factors that play a part in the ethicality of Jan and his practice. In the beginning he only took winnable cases that could provide him with a great financial benefit. Many people may immediately look down on this practice, but there are other factors that affect this. One must look at the risk of the firm. Jan did not work for a big firm where money is always coming in. In his case, if he had to go to great lengths without financial reimbursement he would not be able to keep his practice and the only way to insure financial reimbursement is to be sure that he will win the case. From the standpoint of a law firm, especially a smaller one, this practice does not seem unethical. It simply seems that the lawyers only take the cases that their clients can recover from as to not waste their client's or their own time and money. .
             To others who are outside the firm the practice might be viewed a little differently. Though people realize that the lawyers need to make money to live they also believe that helping people should take precedence over money. In this book, Jan had never allowed his clients" reasons to override money. He even turned his back on a group of people who were not seeking money but just an apology and an environmental change and needed the help of a lawyer. Jan ignored the people of Woburn, Massachusetts when he heard of their situation because he did not want to spend time on a case where he could not benefit financially.

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