She still .
wants to be swept off her feet. Many times during the film she describes her perfect .
mate, a regular prince charming. She describes the male version of the "good" guy. He's .
thoughtful, kind and is not afraid to cry. He is adventurous and talented, such as he must .
play an instrument. In many ways, she is describing to Phil what seems like an .
impossible person that will never exist.
As Phil continues to take Rita out on a date to perfect all his mistakes and we .
learn more about her personality and how it is very typical to the gender biased roles that .
we are familiar with seeing. Every time he seems to advance too much, she meets him .
with a slap across the face. No matter how hard he tries to meet her expectations, she .
refuses to betray her beliefs that she makes to painstakingly clear to all but him. Rita .
wants to he handled delicately. She waits for the door to be opened for her but also .
wants it known that she is just as independent. .
Page 3.
Rita continues to go beyond the typical role and is brazen enough to ask Phil if he .
would like to spend the day with her. Many times through the movie, he fights for the .
chance to be alone with her. Only it's not until the movie is more towards the end does .
she truly want to spend the day with just him. Before then, the invite is more to join both .
her and their cameraman in the town's festivities. As he progresses in his strive truly to .
better himself, we see Rita's inhibitions slowly recede. Until the last day, you can tell .
that she is suspicious and reserved. After the broadcast she is more than surprised by .
Phil's apparent and dramatic attitude changes from the drive there and is eager to spend .
time with him. You can tell that she was very put back when he declined and curious to .
know what it was that seemed so important for him to do in the town that he before had .
expressed his strong derision for previously.
She continues to go beyond the stereotype as the last day progresses on.