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US political trends


The decay of the nuclear family is becoming more apparent as the years go by. More children are being raised in single parent homes than ever before, whether it is the mother or the father who is head of the household. Even though America is mostly a Christian country we still manage to have one of the highest divorce rates in the world. The children of divorced parents suffer because a child needs both parents during development and as a result of this some people even go as far as blaming the increased crime rate and juvenile delinquency on this epidemic. .
             Another recent trend in U.S. politics is the effort our national government is making to develop closer ties with other Latin American countries. Recent studies believe this is beneficial due to the rapidly growing numbers of the Spanish speaking population in America. Having the U.S. develop a strong relationship with Latin countries shows the Latino population in America that this country does care about their people and recognizes them as important. Even American businesses have produced goods, services and advertisements designed to entice and focus on people of Latino origin. The acknowledgment of Latinos being a major consumer in America has shown Americans that minorities will not be ignored any longer.
             Through the years as women began to take a more active role in business they have become more confident in their abilities and this has led to an increase of women starting personal businesses. The National Organization for Women, or NOW, has been promoting this equality in the job market since its "Statement of Purpose" was written in 1966. NOW wrote this purpose to let people know, especially women, that they are seriously losing ground in the professional circuit. Programs and commissions designed to help the status of women had at that time not been fully implemented and were of little help. Although discrimination in employment based on sex is prohibited by law nothing was done when it occurred.

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