Linde in on the biggest secret that Nora has ever kept from anyone. She tells Mrs. Linde that Torvald was very ill in the past, and was in a desperate need to go overseas to Italy. Nora and Torvald did not have the money at the time, so Nora supposedly borrowed it from her father, who was very ill. The truth behind the story is that she did not borrow money from her father, she borrowed it from another man, but she did not reveal that to Linde right away. Linde is surprised when she finds out that Nora went behind her husbands back and borrowed money from another person. "I think it's rash to do something without his knowing-(160). This is another example of how the author made it seem as though the man had more influence over situations. Nora did not tell her husband where she borrowed it, because he was strongly against borrowing money from others, and owing people money. .
Soon after Linde is introduced, Mr. Nils Krogstad is introduced, who is the man whom Nora borrowed the money from, but he was also a man who worked for Torvald at the bank. He knew that his job was in danger, especially now that Mrs. Linde needed work, so he decided to use the leverage he had against Nora to his advantage. He produced Nora with a paper that her dad supposedly signed, but it was really signed by Nora. Nora did this because her father was very ill and did not want to bother him with her mess of having to borrow money. Nonetheless, forging a signature was a legal mistake. Nils demanded that Nora convince Torvald to spare Nils his job in exchange for the proof of forgery. Nora became frightened because she knew that if Torvald found out, he would be infuriated. She knew she needed to attempt secure Krogstad's job.
Despite the valiant effort by Nora, Torvald did not like Krogstad, and sent a letter to him, announcing his dissmisal from his job. Shortly after this took place, Krogstad arrived at the Helmer's home quite angry.