will likely become blind too." She becomes more scared of how she will look versus the .
blindness that she will endure for the rest of her life. The eye that she is blind in now has a .
whitish-colored cataract on it, left behind from all the scar tissue. She now finds that she has .
developed a low self esteem because she is no longer pretty. She feels this is the last time that .
her father chooses her and she feels, she suffers and is raged inside because of this. Also, she .
sees the lack of confidence in herself by doing poorly in school, where she was once a whiz kid. .
By the way people look at her and her eye, how kids want to start a fight with her when she .
doesn't answer their questions regarding her eye, and a kid calling her a one-eyed bitch she feels .
that she is no longer beautiful but that her eye makes her ugly.
The second change comes when she is fourteen years old and her brother and sister in-law take .
her to a doctor and get the white cataract removed. She finds herself changing almost .
immediately even though there are still some effects from the scar tissue. She starts to have .
confidence in herself again. You see this because she raises her head. When she raises her .
head she gets a boyfriend, many friends, she does well in school, and becomes the class .
valedictorian. Even after high school she goes on to be a successful writer. But she still does not .
see the same confidence that she once had. You can see that she does not have the same .
confidence in herself when a beautiful journalist comes to interview her for a cover story of a .
magazine. When the journalist tells her to decide how she wants to look on the cover whether it .
is "glamorous or whatever." Walker chooses the whatever. In bed that night she talks with her .
lover and tells him that she is scared that her "eye won't be straight" for the picture shoot. At this .
time he makes the comment, "It will be straight enough, besides I thought you had made peace .