We live in a time when the call for freedom and democracy echoes across the world. Certain European, Asian, Latin American regimes and the republics of the former Soviet Union regime were able to claim that they had a new democratic order, something they could never before experience. In the dictionary definition, democracy "is government by the people in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system. This means the democratic government will serve it's citizens true interests whether or not affecting indirectly or directly by those decisions. Rights ensured through democracy include freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religion and conscience, freedom of assembly, and the right to equal protection before the law ( freedom to a fair trial).
Freedom of speech and expression is the life line of any democracy. To debate and vote, to assemble and protest, to worship, and to ensure justice for all its people is a way how it's people can communicate and participate in the government. Through freedom of speech and freedom to assembly, it's citizens can peacefully demand the government to hear there concerns. This is a way the people can have there voice in government. .
Freedom of religion, or freedom of conscience, means that no person should be required to practice any religion or other belief against his or her desires. Also, no one should be punished or penalized in any way because he or she chooses one religion over another. In addition, freedom of religion means that no one can be compelled by government to recognize an official church or faith. The democratic government recognizes that a person's religious faith is a very personal matter.
Democracy rests upon the principle that government exists to serve the people. The government and it's people have certain responsibilities in order for democracy.