The next morning, the people are gathered outside and information on their education and working experiences are reported. Some of the Jewish people that can't be used for work are loaded into trucks and sent off to concentration camps. Some of the Jews that are able to work will soon report to Schindler's factory.
Under Sterns influence, Schindler has come to feel pity and responsibility toward his workers, and when the Nazis confine all Jews to a forced labor camp commanded by Amon Goeth, Schindler volunteers to keep "his Jews" confined at the factory.
At his own expense, he constructs barracks and strings barbed wire. He creates a outpost of the labor camp,which is a safe house from sinister Goeth, who regularly sends "unfit" Jewish workers to Auschwitz. .
Oskar starts to make his new factory known by sending baskets full of goods to many German leaders. That's how he starts making friends , by buying them drinks in the restaurant and taking pictures with them when their drunk. The Jews begin their work in the factory and learn how to make pots and pans. These workers are very grateful to Oskar for the jobs because it keeps them out of the camps and alive. A one-armed man personally thanks Oskar for his job. .
Thousands of Jews are shipped off on a train to concentration camp. Their entire luggage is stolen and gone through by German soldiers. By mistake, Itzhak Stern is placed on a train because he forgot his working card. Oskar hears of this mistake and rushes down to the station and frantically looks for him. Oskar retrieves him from the train by threatening the officials.
Untersturmfuhrer Amon Goeth is the German officer that is in charge of the construction of the Plaszow labor camp. The Jewish people build the camp, along with Goeth's house located inside the camp. Goeth is very cruel, he occasionally takes his rifle out for fun and shoots the Jews.