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Affirmative action


Minorities were segregated against years ago and now the government is trying to make up for it; the main goals of this program it to completely end all inequalities. By letting students in by their skin color and not grades, how is that fair for white people? A white student could have exceptional grades and not be accepted because the university has not filled the minority quota. Is that not segregation towards white people? School admission should not be based upon meeting ethnicity quotas, but on academic experience so the competent students will be able to get into school. "If elite schools want to become nonselective, or if they want to choose their matriculates randomly from the pool of applications with scores over, say, 1000, who could object on grounds of principle?" (Thernstrom 340). Minorities SAT scores are sometimes changed to get them into a university and scores are not looked at as much on their applications. Think of it this way, a minority gets accepted to medical school with low grades. The student cannot keep up with the strenuous work and difficult grades but manages to continue attending that college to keep up the quota percent. Would you like that student to be your heart surgeon? Wouldn't you want the more qualified student to hold your life in their hands? It saddens me to think that education has transformed from brains to skin color. .
             Segregation has not always been about race. Years ago women were not allowed to vote, smoke cigarettes, have a job, or anything that seemed manly. Now, because of affirmative action, gender plays a huge part in careers. If a man and woman were going for the same position and the man was more qualified for the position, the woman would receive the job to fill the gender quota. Would you prefer a 120 pound female fire fighter trying to carry a 200 pound man out of a burning building, or a male? There again, the more qualified person should receive the reward.

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