The subscriber pays only for the Internet calls made; almost like itemised telephone billing. Where the calls are charged off-peak and peak. Example, BT pay-as-you-go charges 90p off-peak and £2.40 peak. For more 'heavy users' of the net, off peak deals are available. The subscriber can pay a monthly fee ( £5- £15) and access the Internet at off-peak times (evenings and weekends). An example is BT Surftime. Unmetered access is another option for heavy users, which allows them to connect to the net anytime of the day, and pay a monthly fee of £10- £20. Although it is cheaper and beneficial than some ISPs, performance does tend to be poorer. Some unmetered ISPs even restrict what you can download, and some even place cut-off times to prevent you from using it continuously. Subscription packages are also available, where a monthly fee is paid for both phone calls and connection to the ISP. This is ideal for business users, as the service is quicker and much more reliable, and sometimes with excellent technical support. Broadband users, use the Internet a lot, and are prepared to pay for speed. They are connected to the net at all times and have unmetered access at almost ten times the speed of a normal modem. The best values are available through cable companies, where fees are about £25 per month. If you do not live in a cable area or are a business customer, ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) is the next best option. Prices are about £40 per month for home users and £100 per month for multi-user business connections. There is also a very high installation fee for ADSL. .
[ITM 1] [INA 1] .
Information from the Internet is retrieved in a complex way. Simply, each computer that is attached to the Internet has an address. The Universal Resource Locater (URL) helps us find the location of a site. Then via protocols, data is transferred, and we are able to retrieve information from the site.