The above screenshots have been taken from the laser disc game Cobra Command (1984) by Data East.
The above screenshots have been taken from the laser disc game FireFox (1983) by Atari.
3.2 Computer Games Based on the PC Format.
The introduction of PC games had a huge bearing on the enhancement of interactive multimedia. The increasing hardware capabilities of personal computers allowed games developers to code sophisticated pieces of software. The multimedia elements born from this medium included stunning audio and visual 3D environments and greater feedback and interaction. A large slow down in the arcade industry coincided with the personal computer boom in the late 1980's . Now gamers could play arcade conversions on their personal computers with the realism of their arcade counterparts. Some of the early PC games, which added this new multimedia experience were games such as Doom developed by id Software (1993) and Myst developed by Cyan Productions (1993). Both of the afore mentioned games were very different in style and game play, but shared one basic component which would be the blue print for future games. This component was immersion; the way in which a game could engage a person senses and seamlessly navigate them through 3D worlds. The component was largely reliant on the advanced multimedia capabilities which consisted of graphics, sound, speech, animation and to a certain degree movies clips.
The growth of personal computing soon led to the creation of games such as Sim City by Maxis (1989), which offered interactive simulations. The games central objective was to allow a player to build a city using real world methods, and to sustain the thriving city's which they constructed, against real world scenarios such as crime, congestion and pollution etc. Examples of other real time strategy games include Civilisation by MicroProse (1991) and Age of Empires by Microsoft (1997), which places a gamer on a map in an unexplored world, and then leaves a player to build his or her empire using combat and economic strategies.