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Steroids and sports


The trainer that works at the gym told me a story one time, that she knew a guy who did steroids and he gained thirty pounds in one month. I also know this kid that is two years older than I am, that took steroids. He was the skinniest kid on the beach 3 summers ago, then over the winter he took steroids and got to be absolutely huge. Not only was he the biggest kid around he was one of the biggest guys in the gym. He still uses steroids to this day and is getting so big that it is starting to look ridiculous. .
             When you take steroids, there are some extreme consequences that go with it. Steroids cause side effects that are extremely noticeable and naked to the eye. " Unlike almost all other drugs, all steroid based hormones have one unique characteristic- their dangers may not be manifest for months, years and even decades. Therefore, long after you gave them up you may develop side effects"( ESPN.com). Over time steroids can cause heart attacks or liver cancer, not to mention all the disgusting acne that often develops. In men steroids can cause reduced sperm count, impotence, development of breasts, shrinking of the testicles and difficulty or pain while urinating. Women who take steroids can get facial hair growth, depend voice, breast reduction and menstrual cycle changes.
             When we look at some of the reasons athletes insist on using these harmful drugs, one can only blame the competitive nature of our society. It appears to begin way back in early childhood when kids start to just get involved in sports. Dads who push their children to excel in sports are only asking for trouble in the future. As kids grow up, they never want to disappoint their parents or themselves. There is no question that adults have a great impact on kids about steroid use, not just negative but positive as well. It is said that kids as young as 10 years old are using steroids to do better in sports, and achieve better goals.

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