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College is a waste of time and money


             College is a Waste of Time and Money.
             Through the eyes of Caroline Bird there are thousands of high school graduates that decide to go to college each year; to better their education, but end up admitting that they just wanted to get out of their house or do what's "required." When questioning professors on campuses, she found that less than half of their students felt they learned from class work. For the rest, it was just a good way to avoid responsibility for the next four years. Although Bird thought this was pointless it is not hard to explain why. In America we were the first to require kids to read and write, spend millions on building universities, and then put pressure on every student to attend. After paying out 30 billion dollars annually and having enrollment consistently drop, universities had to come up with a better way to attract students.
             So after they convinced students to attend their university for a "better education," "and social life," they were let down by their lack of enthusiasm to study. Then in the 1970's when the students decided to protest against the war, they realized that nobody cared what they said and the war would still go on. After this the young adults learned to become inert and keep their opinions to their selves. From this Bird concluded that on college campuses across America students were sad because they weren't needed. They were stuck in a world that didn't need any more adults and didn't know what to do with them, so they stuck them in college. Then after they were there, Bird explains, they spend the next four years in "bullshit classes," as one student explained. In the end he realized he didn't even want to go in the first place. When surveyed most students "hated it" and felt that they could have spent their time doing more productive things, or the time spent just wasn't worth it. .
             One sociologist said that newly admitted adults don't have to form their own thoughts about going to college or ask why, they just do it because it's "required.

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