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            Who is a person of integrity? It is one whose private person matches or exceeds his public person. It would do well for all people to remember this. For if we realize that true integrity is demonstrated in the small, private things, we will -- if indeed we really desire to be persons of integrity -- be forced to come to grips with who we really are. We will begin to notice how easy it is to walk past that trash on the floor, to pocket that quarter we find in the coin return, to fudge on our taxes, to drive by that stranded motorist, to postdate that check by a day, to park in that handicapped zone "just for a second," to hedge and cut corners and white-lie and shirk and procrastinate and do all those things that come so easy to human nature. .
             Integrity is something deep and personal. It emanates from the core of a person's being. A person who desires it must calibrate his moral barometer so that it picks up the finest of signals. By observing these, there is hope that one can live a life of integrity. We must not forget to do the big things; society depends on the good deeds of its citizens. But we need to give substance to these public works with our daily behavior in its tiniest forms. This is the true test of integrity and this is ultimately our greatest gift to society. 245 words .
             The Dictionary defines Integrity as steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code, the state of being unimpaired; soundness, and the quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.
             Integrity directly relates to the workplace and keeping one's word. It is important to have integrity in the workplace because without it, there would be little reason for an employer to keep you. Employment is given with the trust that the person being hired will keep their end of the bargain by completing the necessary work they've been hired for. An employee that lacks integrity is worst than one that lacks skills.

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